Local Branch of MRP-EURASIA in Armenia

Armenia representative office of MRP-EURASIA comprises a team of research specialists (analitics and field staff) providing a full research service to businesses and public sector organisations in the World. For all needs contact Armenia_RFQ@mrp-eurasia.com

Omnibuses in Armenia

31 Pushkin street, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
Ms. Carine Selikyan, Country Director
of MRP office in Armenia
Ms. Lilit Derderian,
Local Senior Superviser for Market research services in Armenia

MRP-EURASIA in Armenia conducts continuously a multi-client representative syndicated surveys -Omnibuses on monthly basis.

Omnibus is a syndicated quantitative study for several clients: the questionnaire is formed through adding exclusive questions for each client to the standard social-demographic block. Based on the representative sample.

To confirm participation in the next Omnibus you need to provide one or more questions for the questionnaire or just set a goal to achieve ā€“ our specialists will formulate questions themselves.

Below you see the list of countries where we are available to conduct omnibuses:

Participation in OMNIBUS EXPRESS provides the following advantages:

  • It is a cost effective vehicle for obtaining nationally representative information: costs partially are shared between several clients
  • The number of the questions in the MRP-EURASIA are pre-defined and limited in number which prevents against overloading of the questionnaire and ensures the quality of the information
  • There is a block of questions describing media consumption and some general consumer habits, which could be obtained at preferential price
  • Each client pays and receives only the results of HIS block of questions + standard demographics: region, type of location, gender, age, education, employment, job position, field of employment, marital status, number of household members, average monthly income per household member, an average monthly household income, ethnicity

The MRP-EURASIA omnibuses could be used for including questions regarding:

  • Usage of services and/or  products
  • Attitudes towards services and/or products
  • Purchase behavior
  • Brand image
  • Satisfaction with products / brands
  • Media behavior
  • Whether an advertisement is attractive and memorable as a whole
  • Attitudes towards the advert
  • Advertising awareness and recall
  • Pre and post campaign evaluation

Standard presentation of results:

  • Data file
  • Technical report with the sample description
  • Linear distribution of responses

Standard presentation of results:

  • Cross-tabs

To send us a request for an omnibus in Armenia, you can:
1. Go to our email Armenia_RFQ@mrp-eurasia.com and send us any of your questions or request for proposal;
2. You also can contact the head office research division for all our regions head-office@mrp-eurasia.com or RFP@mrp-eurasia.com.
3. You should not forget about the main email address of our company info@mrp-eurasia.com(for all questions and suggestions).

Ā«MRP-EURASIA OmnibusĀ»: Methodological Framework

Method of registration:
Face-to-face interviews

Sample size: 
a) Urban representative sample (three main cities per country*): 1000
b) National representative sample: 1200

Sample design:
Random sample located by address combined with quota sampling  by gender, age and location

Nationally representative 18 +

Prices and timing (per 1 country):

Prices for ā€œUrban representative sampleā€ (Sample size: 1000)
Price per question:
Open end question:  ā‚¬ 300
Close end question:
a) ā€œYes/Noā€ or ā€œPut One figureā€ question: ā‚¬ 250 per each row
b) Scale of alternatives: ā‚¬ 100 per each scale row of the tab or list
c) Table / list of multiple variants of the answer: ā‚¬ 350
Report up to 5 questions (in EN): ā‚¬ 150
Report 10-20 questions (in EN):  ā‚¬ 280
Prices for ā€œNational representative sampleā€ (Sample size: 1200)
Price per question:
Open end question:  ā‚¬ 350
Close end question:
a) ā€œYes/Noā€ or ā€œPut One figureā€ question: ā‚¬ 300 per each row
b) Scale of alternatives question: ā‚¬ 120 per each scale row of the tab or list
c) Table / list of multiple variants of the answer: ā‚¬ 400
Report up to 5 questions (in EN): ā‚¬ 150
Report 10-20 questions (in EN):  ā‚¬ 280
Applications, questions submitting:  till 01 (every month)
Adaptation of common questionnaire and tools: 01-03 (every month)
Fieldwork: 03 - 10 (every month)
Delivery of report: to 15 (every month)
Standard presentation of results:
  • Data file
  • Technical report with the sample description
  • Linear distribution of responses
In addition:
  • Cross-tabs
  • Brief report
  • Additional analysis


The target group: less than 50% of the sample 15%
less than 9% of the sample 8%
The number of countries: 2-5 countries 5%
6-10 countries 8%
more than 10 countries 10%
Package price discount for ā€œYes/Noā€
or ā€œOne figureā€ questions:
Up to 5 close-end 2%
Up to 10 close-end 4%
Up to 15 close-end 5%
Up to 20 close-end 6%
The number of waves (within one year): 2 waves 3%
3 waves 5%
4 waves 7%
5 waves 8%
6 waves 9%
more than 6 waves 10%
Maximum total discount:   20%