Innovative methodological practices

On this page we have arranged information on our previous scientific research or experimental research of copyright, where were worked out new mechanisms and methods in research. Are collected a lot of goal-setting, formulations of problems initial results, fragments of realized ideas, hypotheses and perspectives for further research and testing.
Data/period Category of event Brief description/summary Go to file with detail Feed-back form for your comments, suggestions or questions

209, june-august

Sociological Study

Sociological research Executor: MRP-EURASIA "Study of society attitudes to Sexual Minorities in FSU” 2099 Region: Russia, Ukraine, Moldova

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april-may, 2011

Sociological Study

"Study of the facial expressions and gestures understanding in Moldova" Executor: MRP-EURASIA Time: January – March, 2011 Budget: 13050 EUR Region: Moldova

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January – March, 2013

Opinion polls Social Attitudes

Study of touristic preferences among FSU countries and travel destinations, depending on the consumer social status" The Executor: MRP-EURASIA Time: January – March, 2013 Budget: 534050 EUR Region: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan

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January – March, 2007

Marketing Research

Marketing Research on the topic: “The perception of advertising and promotion in Russia, Ukraine and Belorussia - Consumer attitudes Studies" The Executor: MRP-EURASIA Time: January – March, 2007 Budget: 33020 EUR Region: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus

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January – June, 2014

Opinion polls Social Attitudes

Sociological Life Style Study: “Study of alcohol consumption attitudes in Eastern Europe and Central Asia" The Executor: MRP-EURASIA Time: January – June, 2014 Budget: 132400 EUR Region: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan

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March, 2016

Opinion polls Social Attitudes

We want to offer our customers international research services in the following areas in 32 countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia: • Sociology of Transformations: East and West • Social Policy • Political Sociology • Global, transnational and cosmopolitan sociology • Economic Sociology • Disaster, Conflict and Social Crisis • Sociology of Culture and Religia • Sociology of Consumption • Sociology of demographic groups, social minorities and gender relations • Sociology of law enforcement and good governance. • Sociology of democracy development See more details about Regional Omnibuses on

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01.12.2016 -

New Survey in Central Asia

PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR PHILIP MORRIS KAZAKHSTAN Omnibus Survey among smokers in Central Asia. Markets: • Uzbekistan, • Tajikistan, • Mongolia, • Kyrgyzstan

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New Survey in Kyrgyzstan

survey to obtain data on the state and conditions of children in four selected tobacco growing districts (Nookat, Alabuka Kadamjai and Aravan) of Kyrgyzstan

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01.02.2017 -

New Survey in Estonia

SURVEY FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF THE CHOCOLATE COVERED DATES AND TRADITIONAL ARABIC SWEETS PERSPECTIVES MANUFACTURED IN THE UAE FOR THE MEDIUM TERM PERIOD IN ESTONIA DELIVERABLES The deliverables shall consist of the following: o A detailed sampling plan submitted prior to the start of pretest fieldwork (piloting). o The raw data delivered in SPSS (.sav) format. o Frequency tables (counts and percentages) for each question provided in Excel including cross-tabulations by gender, income, and city. o The completed “Methodological Report Form” (about 10 pages A4). Data Analysis: The technical personal of MRP-EURASIA (in local offices) will cover adapting data map and putting data into the Excel and SPSS data map (designed by MRP-EURASIA). MRP-EURASIAs SPSS programmer specialist (statistician) will clean, weight and process the data. Data Cleaning encompasses three sub-processes:  Data checking and error detection;  Data validation;  Error correction.

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New Regional Research Initiatives

MRP-EURASIA proposes to launch the regular Omnibus "One Belt, One Road - EURASIA" among 33 countries of Eurasia continent in order to coordinate all actions and monitor the public resonance and trends of the living standards ("feelings of happiness"). See details on

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New Regional Research Initiatives

Для координации действий и измерения общественного резонанса и тенденций изменения уровня жизни граждан («ощущения счастья»), MRP-EURASIA предлагает запустить регулярный Омнибус «One Belt, One Road – EURASIA» среди всех 33 стран этого континента на поясе "Один пояс - Один путь". Смотрите подробности в файле...

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The cheapest Omnibus in Eurasia

The cheapest Omnibus in Eurasia! 33 countries! Personal formalized interview (door-to-door poll). Sampling 1500 face-to-face interviews with people aged 18-65 y.o. in 70-140 SSU’s (45-130 settlements) per country. List of countries

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Socio-political attitudes of population in Eurasia

• Sociology of Transformations: East and West • Social Policy • Political Sociology • Global, transnational and cosmopolitan sociology • Economic Sociology • Disaster, Conflict and Social Crisis • Sociology of Culture and Religions • Sociology of Consumption • Sociology of demographic groups, social minorities and gender relations • Sociology of law enforcement and good governance. • Sociology of democracy development

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survey of homeless (“street”) children concerning HIV/AIDS, drug addicts and safe sex

Market Survey in Moldova of homeless (“street”) children concerning HIV/AIDS, drug addicts and safe sex

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The Sample Size Sensitive Prices of Omnibus Survey in Eurasia

The Sample Size Sensitive Prices of Omnibus Survey in Eurasia THE ESSENCE OF UNIQUE TECHNOLOGY: The Project Budget depends on the length of your questionnaire (your set of questions) and on the ordered number of interviews.

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